Security Training in Ekangala

Security Training in Ekangala  that is accredited at affordable Prices. We have PSIRA Grades EDCBA, SASSETA Skills Levels I-V, Armed Response Courses , Retail Security guard Training, CCTV Training , National Key point (NKP Training) , Fire Arms Competencies Training, Cash in Transit Training (CIT) , General Security Practices Training that are conducted on-site or Off-site.

Our Security Training courses Costs in Ekangala [Umtata] are Dicounted for all . Please Rech us for a Detailed Quote. Call / WhatsApp +27 64 055 2649

Security training courses prices in Ekangala [Umtata]

The following is a list of the prices for various Courses at our security training academy in Ekangala [Umtata] .

PSIRA GRADE A PSIRA training cost in Ekangala R500
PSIRA GRADE B PSIRA training cost in Ekangala  R500
PSIRA GRADE PSIRA training cost in R500
PSIRA GRADE D PSIRA training cost in R500
PSIRA GRADE E PSIRA training cost in Ekangala R500

Our PSIRA Training in Ekangala  is Accredited and we have Distance Learning , on-site and off-site Courses allover South Africa.
SASSETA Skills Levels
Security training school in Ekangala

Security training courses in Ekangala 

Security guard training in Ekangala 

Our Security guard training in Ekangala  course is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to become professional security guards in Ekangala, South Africa. It will cover a range of topics from personal safety and basic emergency response techniques to advanced crowd control methods and best practices for working in different security settings. Additionally, the course will cover laws, regulations and legal issues related to private security guard work.

Security Guard Certification in Ekangala [Umtata] | SASSETA Security Courses Ekangala 

Registered security training schools in Ekangala

Security grades training in Ekangala 

Security Guard Certification | Security training academy in Ekangala 

Armed Response Training in Ekangala 

Armed Response Training in Ekangala  provides an in-depth training program for personnel wishing to work as armed response guards. It covers topics such as safety and legal considerations, proper use of firearms, self-defense techniques, and responding to a range of scenarios involving threats. Participants must complete this course to be eligible for the position.

1. Safety & Legal Considerations: This portion of the course introduces students to the regulations and laws surrounding the use of firearms in a professional context. Students will also be taught safety measures, such as proper storage and handling of weapons.

2. Firearms Training: Participants learn about different types of firearms and their applications. They will practice shooting at various distances and acquire an understanding of how firearms should be handled correctly and safely during an emergency situation.

3. Self-Defense Techniques: Instructors teach a variety of self-defense techniques to prepare participants for any scenario that may arise on duty. Students will gain confidence through practicing responses in a simulated environment with experienced professionals monitoring their progress.

4. Scenario Response Training: Trainees are exposed to realistic scenarios they may encounter while on patrol or responding to calls. With instructor supervision, they develop decision making skills needed to react appropriately during tense situations involving possible violence or threat of violence.

5. Evaluation: The course is completed by taking a comprehensive written examination covering all the material covered throughout the course, followed by practical demonstrations to test students’ knowledge and skill level regarding safe firearm handling, responding appropriately to varying levels of threat, as well as being able to defend oneself using defensive tactics when necessary

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armed security training
armed guard training
basic security training
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Cash in Transit Training in Ekangala 

Cash in Transit Training in Ekangala  course provides attendees with the essential knowledge and skills to handle cash securely in a variety of settings. It covers everything from transporting and counting cash, through to avoiding common security risks. Our experienced trainers have worked as professional security guards and offer detailed insight into this specialised field.

Ekangala, Eastern Cape

Course Overview:
This Cash in Transit Training will equip learners with the following skills:
• Understanding the key principles of effective Cash in Transit operations;
• Carrying out an assessment of cash handling activities;
• Knowing when and how to involve authorities;
• Demonstrating how to use transport equipment correctly;
• Utilising advanced technology to improve cash handling processes;
• Managing Cash in Transit routes safely and securely;
• Recognising warning signs of threats to your team and money.

Duration: 1 day

Course Cost: R 600 per person (includes all materials, lunch & refreshments).

Target Audience: Security Guards, Security Officers, Businesses & Organisations requiring personnel for the handling and transportation of cash/valuables.

Course Pre-Requisites: No prior knowledge or experience required.

To register for this Cash in Transit Training in Ekangala, please contact us

CCTV & Control Room operator Training in Ekangala 

CCTV & Control Room operator Training in Ekangala  Course;
1. Classroom instruction:
This training program will provide a comprehensive classroom training in the basics of CCTV & Control Room operations, covering topics such as: basic CCTV systems; components of a control room; surveillance technology and video analytics; monitoring best practices and ethical considerations. This course will be tailored to the particular needs of each operator trainee.

2. On-site experience:
This training will also include an on-site experience in which operators learn firsthand how to operate CCTV cameras and use various control room equipment. They will be shown examples of different techniques for maximizing their effectiveness, including proper angle placement and optimal lens usage.

3. Field assignments:
Finally, participants in this program will have the opportunity to complete a series of field assignments that challenge them to put their newly acquired skills into practice. During these assignments, they’ll practice how to manage security teams while being under pressure and deal with unplanned events that may occur while they are working in the control room.

By taking part in this comprehensive CCTV & Control Room operator Training in Ekangala, individuals can become fully prepared for positions that require extensive knowledge of both equipment and process used within security management settings.

cctv training
cctv training courses
cctv certification

Fire Arms Competencies Training in Ekangala

Fire Arms Competencies Training in Ekangala 1. Classroom Training: Our classroom training program offers an extensive range of fire arms competencies, from the basics of handling and operation to more advanced topics like target acquisition and accuracy. Our trainers are highly experienced in the field of firearm use and can help you understand the complexities associated with fire arms competencies.

2. Range Training: During our range training program, students will be given the opportunity to hone their skills by firing at a variety of targets on our ranges. Students will learn to utilize proper aiming techniques, follow safety protocols, understand proper maintenance, and gain familiarity with firearms components such as ammunition, optics, and other related items.

3. Live Fire Exercises: Live fire exercises give participants a hands-on experience that can only be gained by actually firing a weapon. Our instructors will guide each participant through scenarios designed to demonstrate correct firearm usage under stress. Participants will be taught about safe weapon handling as well as marksmanship skills for engaging moving targets or for short distance shots.

4. Instructional Videos: We offer instructional videos on our website that will provide information regarding safety protocols, weapons knowledge, accuracy shooting techniques, tactical application of firearms and more. Our instructional videos also serve as a refresher course for experienced users who need to brush up on specific topics in order to stay safe while handling firearms responsibly.

5. Post-Training Assessment: At the conclusion of our training program in Ekangala, participants will receive a certificate indicating they have successfully completed all courses associated with their chosen area of expertise in firearms competency training. In addition to this certificate, participants may choose to take a post-training assessment to demonstrate their proficiency level after completing all classroom and live fire exercises successfully.

Retail Security Training in Ekangala

Retail Security Training in Ekangala Course;
1. Understanding the risks: Learning about the various risks and threats to retail stores, such as shoplifting, armed robbery, and other criminal activities is the first step in providing effective security for your store. Our course covers the common risks, their impact on business operations and how to reduce them.

2. Practical Application of Security Principles: Our training includes instruction on how to properly implement physical security measures in your store environment such as surveillance cameras, door locks, access control systems and more. We also discuss other forms of digital security, such as data protection protocols, software updates and employee safety practices.

3. Assessing Risks: As a retail store owner or manager, it’s important to be aware of any potential vulnerabilities in your store’s security system so that you can take steps to reduce those risks before they become problems. Our training includes an overview of risk assessment tools so that you can make informed decisions about where additional resources should be invested for maximum security benefits.

4. Emergency Preparedness: Should a threat or attack occur at your retail store, having proper emergency procedures in place is critical for both customer safety and successful outcomes. During our training we provide detailed instructions on developing an effective emergency preparedness plan so that you can be better prepared to handle dangerous situations if they arise.

5. Staff Training: Properly trained staff are an essential part of maintaining a secure environment at your retail store. Our Retail Security Training program includes training on how to handle customers who pose a potential risk as well as how to spot suspicious activity within the premises itself and alert appropriate authorities if necessary.

Response Security Training in Ekangala 

Response Security Training in Ekangala  we provide high quality security training to those in Ekangala and surrounding areas. We believe in providing comprehensive instruction and education on safety measures to all individuals so they can be more aware of potential risks and take necessary precautions. Our courses focus on the fundamentals of response security, arming our students with the skills they need to make informed decisions during emergencies or other security related incidents.

We offer a range of different training courses, including basic protection skills, executive protection, home safety and defense, close-quarters combat, surveillance detection, threat assessment and countermeasures, incident response tactics and much more. Our team consists of experienced professionals who have a strong understanding of security measures and how best to handle such situations. They are highly trained in both classroom and practical settings so that all participants get an extensive education that covers both theory and practice.

All of our instructors are licensed by the South African Council for Security Services (SACSS) ensuring you are receiving only the highest quality security training available. We also understand that each student is unique which is why we customize our programs according to individual needs and circumstances. With Response Security Training you can rest assured knowing that you are getting reliable information from knowledgeable instructors at reasonable rates.

So if you are looking for top notch security training in Ekangala then contact us today!

 General Security Practices Training in Ekangala 

SASSETA Security Courses Ekangala

National Key Point Training in Ekangala 

National Key Point Training in Ekangala 
1. Attendees should have a valid Security Officers’ certification and knowledge of relevant laws and regulations.

2. This training session is intended to teach security personnel how to recognize and protect critical infrastructure such as airports, banks, military installations, embassies, and other important sites in Ekangala.
3. Attendees will learn the legal aspects related to National Key Point protection, along with methods of detecting potential threats and taking preventative action when necessary.
4. They will also become familiar with response protocols should an attack occur at a National Key Point.

5. The instructor will provide real-life examples of successful protective measures taken by security officers and the authorities at different national key points around South Africa to demonstrate best practices in the field.
6. At the end of the training, participants will receive a certificate upon completion of an exam proving their proficiency in this area of security services.

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